explore a city from breakfast to dinner



Published by Lannoo.
Available at
Books By Marked, Amazon and Bol.com



First of all,
I think I owe our readers an apology for disappearing on you like that!
But don't worry, we haven't fallen of the earth.
Instead, I have been around it, and the other Petite Peste has put someone new on it!

I have so much to share with you, all the new places I have discovered, the new foods I've tried, the music I have been listening to ( actually not that much... Frank Ocean and Swedish House Mafia are on a loop) , the pestite peste style craziness we have been up to!
Kind of lost my blogging ways, but I realized that sharing things with you really make me happy, and I can't let busy schedules win me over!
I'll give you a little preview!

Before doing our reappearance act, we wanted to change it up a bit, freshen it all up.
But that means, spending more time away from you, so we've decided to to it gradually...
And maybe one day ( hopefully soon) you'll discover a whole new lay out!

We also wanted to thank you!! For giving that kick in the butt to wake up again and start blogging!
Keep your messages coming! ( It's so heart warming to hear from you!)

PS;  There is a little report of what I have been up to the few weeks on belmodo!! :-))
 Trippin' around with Steph Rosseel! What an adventure!! Read all about it here!

So coming soon:
Travels , Food , new places to hang, eat,see...

Kiss!! x

Tuck Shop
