explore a city from breakfast to dinner



Published by Lannoo.
Available at
Books By Marked, Amazon and Bol.com

He's number one on my list!

Aaaaah my number one made it on the top 50list of Los Angeles Times Magazine!!
Soooo proud!
Always believed in him!


To shop: Sien!
The only shop carrying them in Belgium!

Clear your agenda, fill up your gas tank!
And be ready to drive to Antwerp and visit the store a billion times!
Thats's how long it took me to decide on a color, size, leather or suede,...
I was so sad when my little baby got stolen, I just had to 'replace' him!
That was a lot more difficult than I ever expected! Do I get the same one, a bigger one, one in other colour,...
and just when you think you have cut the knot, Sien has some new colors just in!
aaaah life'e full of tough decisions!! ;-)

Cupcake underwear!!

A Whole Lot of Daria's